An Exquisite Harmony tells the moving story of Robert and Clara Schumann and the young Johannes Brahms - one of music's greatest love triangles.
Part of the Swaledale Festival, the dramatisation will be performed on Tuesday 4 June from 4pm to 5.30pm by pianist Gamal Khamis, actress Fenella Norman, together with actor and leading voice-over artist Christopher Kent using original diaries, letters and music.
In an interview about the production, Christopher Kent outlines the similarities between Clara Schumann and Mozart:
"They both had talented fathers who were so very pushy for their children. When they grew up a little and had finished with being child prodigies they both found it difficult to settle themselves into proper adulthood. Both in effect were tortured geniuses. Clara's husband's solution to her amazing talents was to try to keep her very much at home: producing babies - they had eight children who survived birth."
Don't miss this fascinating and moving show.
More information and tickets here.